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).The Fool (The Materialist)


O • The Fool

Hebrew letter




Spirit of the Aether

AS the first card of the deck, the Fool is the card of beginnings and creation. It represents generative power, and as such it is a card of opposites, both male and female elements combining to form a balanced whole. Its number is 0, the origin that comes before the solid reality of the number 1. It is the first measured stirrings of the universe. The image brings together the many threads of the Egyptian creation myth.

A mound was raised up, out of the primeval waters personified by the goddess Nun. Upon this mound the first god created himself, and then he made the gods Shu (air) and Tefnut (moisture). These in turn gave birth to Geb (earth) and Nuit (sky). Other myths speak of the cosmic egg rising from the waters from which the sun emerges, giving light to the first day. The divine child within the egg is the unborn Horus, in the form of Harpocrates, his finger resting on his lip to signify silence. This is the light before dawn. A further mythic variant has a lotus flower floating upon the dark water, the petals opened to reveal the sun god.

The card shows the god Amun, the creator god, walking on the primeval mound. His name means 'hidden','veiled' or 'invisible'. He is the hidden god, the god behind the universe, the power beyond the sun.

From the Fool's belt hangs a bag. Traditionally it contains all his worldly possessions, his memories and his potentials. In Egyptian symbolism, the feather in his hand represents truth; it is the emblem of Maat, the goddess of truth. The wand held in his right hand combines the elements of the Waas scepter with the Djed and the Ankh.

A Crocodile is waiting unseen for the Fool to stray from the path. He is the embodiment of Set, the adversary of the gods known as the devourer of hearts. It is the destroyer that complements the creator, for within the beginning there is the seed of its own ultimate destruction.

The dog which traditionally accompanies the Fool suggests the dog star Sirius or Sothis, which played a large part in the Egyptian myths. In the sky is the vulture of the goddess Mut, the wife of Amun. The name Mut means mother, she was the great mother goddess. A symbol of maternal protection, it was thought that the vulture sheltered her young with her outspread wings. The Fool walks his carefree path, his steps random like the flight of the butterfly which precedes him. But his faithful dog guards and guides him from the hidden pitfalls represented by the crocodile.

Interpretation The card indicates new beginnings, the start of a new cycle of activity, innocence and naivety. A creative dreamer. Hidden talents and latent potential. Optimism unaffected by past events. This is a card of imagination and fantasies, impulsiveness and I blind instincts. He lives in his own mind, all that he experiences is interpreted to fit his view of the world. Conversely, the world is transformed to comply with his expectations. He is pure, uncomplicated and vulnerable. He searches for experience. He is the innocent child, a small boat adrift on the sea of life, blown by the winds of fate.

I. The Magician



Personal power, experience, innovation and ability



Astrological Association


To represent The Magician, I picked a deity from ancient Egypt – Thoth, as he was regarded as the master of magic and possessor of secret knowledge and expert in sciences. I have merged the traditional Rider-Waite Magician symbols with a traditional depiction of Thoth.


Thoth stands, staring into the distance, the symbols of the suits emblazoned on his skin, powerful artifacts in his hand, and an infinity crown resting on his head. Whatever comes his way, he is ready, the power within him to overcome everything. The Magician is here to remind you just how bloody awesome you are. Don’t let fear or worry hold you back. Don’t even let them enter your mind. You have everything you need, all the experience, all the knowledge, all the skill is already within you. Now you need to keep your focus and unlock your confidence. You are the key. You are MORE than enough. You don’t need approval or permission. You can do this.


The God of Magic and Writing, as well as the Moon, Thoth is widely considered to be the wisest god of the Ancient Egyptian pantheon. His wisdom was so legendary that Egyptians believed you could learn all the knowledge of the universe from a book he once wrote – the Book of Thoth, and become the most powerful magician in the process…if you could withstand the pain and tragedy that came with it. He is oft en depicted as a man with the head of either an ibis, or a baboon – both of these animals were sacred to him. Th e extraordinary personal power of Thoth, made him the perfect illustration for our Mythical Magician.

II. The High Priestess


The High Priestess (II) is the second Major Arcana card in cartomantic Tarot decks. It is based on the 2nd trump of Tarot card packs. Wikipedia

Depiction: The High Priestess is identified with the Shekhinah, the female indwelling presence of the divine. She wears plain blue robes and sits with her hands in her lap. She has a lunar crescent at her feet, & wears "a horned diadem on her head, with a globe in the middle".

Meaning: High Priestess is a card of mystery, stillness and passivity. This card suggests that it is time to retreat and reflect upon the situation and trust your inner instincts to guide you through it. Things around you are not what they appear to be right now.

Upright card (keywords): Hidden talents, Intuition, Mystery, Spiritual insight, Things yet to be revealed

Reversed card (keywords): Information withheld, Lack of personal harmony, Secrets

Element: Water

Ruling planet: Moon

Next card: The Empress


Veiled Isis describes the receptive force that reacts to the will of the Magus (the Magician). The priestess sitting upon the throne opens our conscious perceptions to the wisdom of intuitive intelligences. In contrast to the knowledge and reason demonstrated by the actions and words of the Magus, Veiled Isis works through dreams, unconscious states, extrasensory perceptions and visions of potentiality. Therefore, the sight of the priestess invokes the contrasting duality of our conscious nature in the union between logical inferences (born of the right eye of the Sun) and intuitive intelligences (born of the left eye of the Moon). It is the act of remaining quiet–so as not to reveal our conscious desires–that frees us from the contradictions of outside forces. To avoid this friction, the priestess signifies a need to remain quiet about a situation, until the unfolding of duel perceptions has reached a more stable state. This stage in the journey requires us to stop and listen to the emotion that begs our attention. We must weigh what is revealed by instinct against the estimation of our reason in past experiences to shape the perception that does not neglect the subtle urges of intuitive intelligences.

If this is your card, today is a great day to listen to your hunches. Remain quiet in thought, and you might just hear the echo of your future self begging for a change. Choose your next step wisely, as balance between intuition and reason remains the key to winning the favor of fortune–for the upset of emotion may flood chaos into the potentiality of the immediate. To avoid neglecting the needs of the soul is to align the direction of your conscious perceptions with the will of inner desire, and mediate. Mend the health of inner will, and receive the vision of fortune.




III. The Empress


The Empress (III) is the third trump or Major Arcana card in traditional tarot decks. It is used in card games as well as divination. Wikipedia

Depiction: The Empress sits on a throne wearing a starry crown, holding a scepter in one hand. The scepter is representative of her power over life, her crown has twelve stars representing her dominance over the year, and her throne is in the midst of a field of grain, representative of her dominion over growing things.

Meaning: The Empress is traditionally associated with maternal influence, it is the card if you are hoping to start a family. She can represent the creation of life, romance, art, or new business.

Upright card (keywords): A new opportunity, Abundance, Maternal care, Nurturing, Pregnancy, Stability

Reversed card (keywords): Domestic problems, Financial issues, Stagnation, Unwanted pregnancy

Element: Earth

Ruling planet: Venus

Next card: The Emperor


The Empress is the result of mastering the stage of the Priestess—the pensive union of opposites. The product is Isis Unveiled or the manifestation of contemplative will born of inner desire. In marrying the two conscious forces of logic and intuition, harmony results and the creative principle is established. We have acted on the potentiality of future outcomes through the union of conflicting thoughts born of the right (eye of the Sun) and left (eye of the Moon) as we adjust our sight to the brilliance of a freshly formed paradigm. In doing so, we have opened our consciousness to the “inner eye” (eye of Horus) that perceives what is just and true, so that we may now be permitted to observe the result of our actions in the consequences in which they provoke. With this, we can discern the nature of “good” and “evil”. In order to avoid peril upon the appearance of Isis Unveiled, we must allow this new inner sight to guide us with inspiration. We have breached the point of no return, as all attempts to hide back behind the veil only welcome that which seeks to feed on the expression of our lower senses.

If this is your card, take advantage of those opportunities that ultimately amount to “good karma”. You may not see the immediate benefit, but a gift from one to another is often received as a gift for both. Sometimes it’s more rewarding to expand our focus to others who will greatly benefit from the presence of an alternative perspective. If you already evaluated the scenery with a fair mind, whatever you choose most often returns favorable winds when it reflects this wisdom. But to lower yourself past this point is to invite misfortune. Remember it is you who manifests your karmic returns—you get what you give.



IV. The Emperor


The Emperor (IV) is the fourth trump or Major Arcana card in traditional tarot decks. It is used in game playing as well as in divination. Wikipedia

Depiction: The Emperor sits on a ram-adorned throne, a symbol of Mars. He holds an ankh scepter in his right hand, and a globe, symbol of domination, in his left. The Emperor sits atop a stark, barren mountain, a sign of "sterility of regulation, and unyielding power".

Meaning: This card is suggestive of stability and security in life. You are on top of things and everything in under your control. It is your hard work, discipline and self control that have bought you this far. It means that you are in charge of your life now setting up your own rules and boundaries.

Upright card (keywords): Authority, Father figure, Law and order, Leadership, Power, Promotion

Reversed card (keywords): Control freak, Immaturity, Lack of discipline, Loss of authority, Manipulative friends

Element: Fire

Ruling planet: Mars

Next card: The Hierophant


Once we have surpassed Isis Unveiled, we become the Sovereign. As a reflection of our manifestation comes into being, we guide the weight of current outcomes with the desire of our creative potential. As the Emperor, we have gained an advantageous position over the Earth, which seeks to enclose us in a box of material constraint. With ultimate realization lies that which we choose to do with the framework we thence create. Through the inner desire of our passions, inspiration grows to guide us with enthusiasm in insight. The four principles of magic have been established, and the unity of these four directions defines a concrete form of the will of our inner eye (eye of Horus). But now is not the time to make use of disadvantageous outlets where chaos will soon follow—when the strength of our outcome lies in constructive vibrations and the quality of our tuning the channeling instrument we decide. Thus, the outcome of realization is judged by the weight of its action on the inherent forces that propel each prospective future into motion. At such high places of rulership, mastery of our creative urges remains the key to what may be a grand or perilous ride. To secure the direction of this motion, it would be wise to clear all clouds that cover the lines between that which is above and below.

If this is your card, your greatest charm today is that fiery passion that begs the urge to fight. You may be feeling up for a debate or looking for the best way to counter-act the turning wheels of a current situation. Seek the path that provides the support of those upholding that which is just and true (Ma’at), and organization of like forces shall united inspire an even greater force to overpower the odds. Remember, help will always be given to those who ask for it.



V. The Heirophant


The Hierophant (V) is the fifth card of the Major Arcana in occult Tarot decks. It is derived from the historical card known as the Pope in playing card decks. It is used in divination. Wikipedia

Depiction: The Hierophant is seen seated on a throne between two pillars symbolizing law and liberty or obedience and disobedience. He wears a triple crown, and the keys to Heaven are at his feet.

Meaning: Hierophant stands for tradition and convention. It can represent marriage in an arranged setup. It can also mean a teacher or counsellor who will help in learning / education of the querent.

Upright card (keywords): Education, Learning, Marriage, Religion, Seeking counsel or advice, Spiritual guidance, Tradition

Reversed card (keywords): Abuse of position, Breakdown, Poor counsel, Rejection of family values

Element: Earth

Ruling planet: Venus

Next card: The Lovers


The entrance of the Hierophant following the Sovereign invites us to multiply the effects of our work. The presence of the hierophant suggests the one who performs the work acts from a kingdom under his own Sun. When one owns the favor of the inhabitants in this same kingdom, the gifts of abundance that result from this work shall be bestowed upon all who participate. If the health of this realm and all of its inhabitants is well or even great, the work may grant us each our own royal abode. Such efficiency in applying the established work to the extensions and structures of the whole grants us the accelerating motion of organized institution that does not cease to persist. To align one’s own action with an even greater cause is to multiply our effects through an echo in the roots of the institution. But betray the guidelines of harmony and efficiency that unite organized motion, and prepare for collective opposition and disapproval as the will of the individual work is severed from the whole. Tread with caution in the kingdom of the ruled, for an upset has the potential to exile one’s own self. For this reason—reveal the work to a counsel of the wise and faithful few. Yet mind that harmony endows small works with growth, as lack thereof denounces with demise.



VI. The Lovers


The Lovers (VI) is the sixth trump or Major Arcana card in most traditional Tarot decks. It is used in game playing as well as in divination. Wikipedia

Depiction: A man and woman stand in possibly the Garden of Eden, with "The Tree of Life" behind the man and "The Tree of Knowledge" behind the woman.

Meaning: The Lovers represent relationships and choices. Its appearance in a spread indicates some decision about an existing relationship, a temptation of the heart, or a choice of potential partners. Often an aspect of the querent's life will have to be sacrificed; a bachelor(ette)'s lifestyle may be sacrificed and a relationship gained (or vice versa), or one potential partner may be chosen while another is turned down. Whatever the choice, it should not be made lightly, as the ramifications will be lasting.

Upright card (keywords): Being at a crossroads, Choices, Commitment, Falling in love, Partnerships

Reversed card (keywords): Disharmony, Imbalance, Misalignment of values, Self-love

Element: Air

Ruling planet: Mercury

Next card: The Chariot


The Lovers or Two Paths represents the fork in the road that severs the two lines of future potentiality. The rulership of the Hierophant brought us to this position, where we now see that the opposing results of our next choice will ultimately lead to contradicting purposes or outcomes. Each path or choice presented by the Lovers expresses the nature of the road ahead in the way in which both are presented—one is fun and appeals to our passions and the other takes hard work and requires the dignity of virtue. We can expect to be tempted by the senses (depicted on the right as Eros, intimate love) that prey on weakness, or we may spot a beacon of virtue (depicted on the left as Agape, selfless love) that frees us from the presence of these lower realms. With the apparent good in choosing “affection”, one finds the weaknesses of one’s own debility multiplied by lack of challenge or inspiration in the denial of Eros, just as the path of “intimacy” and a walk in the imperfect realms permits us to perceive genuine beauty reflected in the object of our desire. Recognize the basic natures of each are both expressions of love. Such is the lesson of our dilemma, when we reach the milestone of indecision. Each path has its own set of outcomes, yet an act of true love is selfless.

If this is your card, today a decision must be made that pertains to love. Understand once you’ve acted on the desired path, you cannot turn back. In doing so, all potentialities that fall under the alternate path shall be cast aside in one fell swoop. Recognize that the damage of one choice to the existence of another is irreversible past this point. Yet the timing in such a decision could also render both paths obsolete, if you now hesitate to act. In this case, unending indecision reigns more worthless than a bad choice.


VII. The Chariot


The Chariot (VII) is the seventh trump or Major Arcana card in most traditional tarot decks. It is used in game playing as well as in divination. Wikipedia

Depiction: A powerful, princely figure sits in a swift chariot, pulled usually by two sphinxes or horses. The figure is crowned and holds a sword or wand.

Meaning: The Chariot is a card about overcoming conflicts and moving forward in a positive direction. One needs to keep going on and through sheer hard work and commitment he will be victorious.

Upright card (keywords): A journey, Ambition, Confidence, Drive, Overcoming obstacles, Will power

Reversed card (keywords): Lack of direction, Scattered energy, Self doubt

Element: Water

Ruling planet: Moon

Next card: Strength



Lucky number seven—the Conqueror or the Chariot bestows upon us an air of fortune in triumphant victory. Its presence suggests we have passed the previous trial in the test of the Two Paths and in so doing have obtained the key to unlock the door of our fortunate ends. The Chariot embodies the essence of physical perfection in seven—the colors of the spectrum, the days of the week, the chakras and notes of the octave repeating upon the eighth. It thus describes “completeness” by establishing equilibrium between what lies above and below, yet it foreshadows the inherent inertia of disorderly and orderly effects that never cease with threats to wreak havoc on forward motion. Be not governed by the passing scenes of fleeting fortune and turmoil. As long as the compass still points to the end, we are advancing in the right direction. In mastery over self, the potential of one’s achievement may be accelerated and raised to even greater heights. Despite the balance of a tranquil mind, the ride of reality will always be blessed by fortunate happenstance in waves of natural harmony and cursed by unforeseeable disaster that strikes with sudden discord. Therefore, a fearless mind becomes the greatest tool to navigate the ever-changing seas of potentiality.

If this is your card, you are being urged to stay the course. You find yourself speeding down the path ahead, when a series of barriers appear before you. To stave off those outside forces that threaten to push you off the path, an air of confidence and aura of self-assurance in what is right shall reduce the volume of their attack. Now is the time to adopt a bold attitude, and show them how its done. Approach the challenges before you with an absolute determination that does not falter, and you may just crush the opposition or convert them to your side. Love and fortune always favor the brave.


VIII. Justice


Justice is a Major Arcana tarot card, numbered either VIII or XI, depending on the deck. This card is used in game playing as well as in divination. Wikipedia

Depiction: The figure in the Justice card holds two objects: a scale in one hand as a symbol of balance and a sword in the other to exemplify the preservation of that equilibrium even by means of force.

Meaning: The Justice card indicates that the fairest decision will be made. Justice is the sword that cuts through a situation, and will not be swayed by outer beauty when deciding what is fair and just.

Upright card (keywords): Balance and equilibrium, Cause and effect, Fairness, Justice, Responsibilty

Reversed card (keywords): Dishonesty, Imbalance, Lack of accountability, Legal flaws, Unfair treatment

Element: Air

Ruling planet: Venus

Next card: The Hanged Man

Following the rulership of our path offered by the Chariot, we reach a standstill as Justice weighs the truth of our actions in the nature of their effects. Justice calls equilibrium back into the realm we have affected. Thus, the resulting weight of our will has invoked a reflection of our doing by a force of eternal balance that works to maintain natural law and order. The appearance of Justice refers to the connection between cause and effect—for every action, the force of one’s will is met with an equal or greater reaction. Thus, the truth of Blind Justice has appeared to settle the score. When the force of our work ripples out like a tide, we see it return in the rubble of crumbling structures that fall to their demise. An obsolete tower falls with ease, while an upset of those that act as dwelling places destroys the spirit of all inhabitants inside. If the Balance should appear, remember that all action will be weighed against a feather of truth. Truth will unfold from the balanced scales of one’s conscience that discerns what is just and the sword of one’s own intellect that perceives what is true. This view of truth in “right” is the path to upholding Ma’at that frees one from peril.

If this is your card, prepare to feel the full effects of your past actions. You’ve already made up your mind, chosen your path, and worked your magic—now watch the merit of your deeds return! Let’s hope your actions were received well, for the return of bad karma invites each its own hazards into our life. Always keep in mind that a heavy heart is born of the deception and the lies we sell ourselves at night. Remember that the true measure of your human potential is in your ability to implement action that harmonizes with the whole of existence. Find what is good, and what is good will find you.

IX. The Hermit


The last stop before we breach the gates of the astral plane is the Hermit or the Sage. Number 9 is the resounding note of astral perfection as multiples of nine always add up to nine. This last task we must finally complete before our mind is permitted to see the “bigger picture”. And the appearance of the Hermit suggests this journey into the shadows is one we must go alone. The weight of the physical plane seems to contradict our cause, as we pull back from reality to seek solace in the mind. We find that if we remain silent to the influences of the physical realm, that whisper of a voice we hear on the wind offers us the guidance of a higher calling. The sage relays the sacred knowledge and spiritual wisdom that speaks of the true weight of the human condition. As our curiosity traverses the great mysteries of life, we take notice of the monotonous repetition in all that we once did. In doing so, we separate the spirit of “I” (will of soul) from the spirit of “me” (will of the senses) by adopting the role of onlooker in our own lives. In this reflection, we uncover that the wisest know that they do not know—and with this, proceed into the astral plane.

The Hermit (IX) is the ninth trump or Major Arcana card in most traditional tarot decks. It is used in game playing as well as in divination. Wikipedia

Depiction: An old man carrying a staff in one hand and a lit lantern containing a six-pointed star in the other hand.

Meaning: The Hermit suggests that you are in a phase of introspection where you are drawing your attention inwards and looking for answers within. You are in need of a period of inner reflection, away from the current demands of your position.

Upright card (keywords): Introspection, Meditation, Self-reflection, Solitude, Soul-searching, Withdrawn from society

Reversed card (keywords): Exile, Loneliness, Misfit, Sadness, Withdrawing from loved ones

Element: Earth

Ruling planet: Mercury

Next card: Wheel of Fortune

1st Degree The Entered Apprentice 

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jerimiah 29:11


On the black-and-white floor there are three columns, symbolizing Power, Wisdom, and Beauty. The black-and-white “chess floor”, according to tradition, was in the Jerusalem Temple. It is a symbol of the dualism of the world (black and white), as well as of Ein Sof (Infinity). On the mosaic floor are the tools of the masons, personifying Freemasonry itself. At the top of the card are the Sun and the Moon, personifying Chesed (Mercy) and Geburah (the Severity of the Lord).
In the center of the card is the Ladder of Jacob, upon which the angels descend and ascend. This Ladder represents and embodies a gradual recovery and progression as a result of the initiation.
A staircase leads to the Flaming or Burning Star, most often called the Blazing Star, one of the main symbols of Freemasonry. According to some opinions, the Blazing Star symbolizes the Divine in man. Thus, as a result of progress on the steps of initiation, man is coming back to its Divine origin. According to other opinions, the Blazing Star symbolizes Sirius, which plays an important role in the religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptians.

Value of the card – The beginning of a new cycle. The transition to a new level. Initiation.  The opening of the Light. The beginning of a new path.

The card of the first degree corresponds to the Fool, the first of the Major Arcana in the Classic Tarot. Fool, or a Fool. Spontaneity, innocence, freedom.

2nd Degree -Fellowcraft

"Prepare your work outside; get everything ready for yourself in the field, and after that build your house." Proverbs 24:27


The central element of this table, is a spiral staircase, which led the apprentice bricklayer to the inside of the Temple. It is worth noting that the camber of the ladder represents how difficult the Path of the Light truly is, as well as the fact that it is the degree of the Journeyman, being the transition from Apprentice or Neophyte to Master. In front of the Temple on the table, a river flows, which is more of a symbolic river, rather than a literal natural one. The river reminds us of the crossing, and also of the Hebrew word for “ear of corn”, a word which is of great importance to this degree. The ancient Jews used this word not only for corn, however, but also for shallow rivers with rapids. The word corn, which appears to this extent, also reminds us of the goddess Isis, holding the ears of corn in Her hand, and that the masons are the Children of the Widow, for  Isis has lost her husband Osiris. To this extent, Freemasons learn the value of the letter G, and of its connection with the spiral staircase.

Value of the card – A sharp turn from Darkness to Light, and preparation for the transition to a new level.

In the Classic Tarot, the card of the second degree corresponds to the Major Arcana of the Magician. In Minchiate, this is a man who plays with two children in the bone. The wisdom, the mind, awareness of the new.

3rd Degree- Master Mason

“Such is the confidence that we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God” 2 Corinthians 3:4-5


At the third degree, the Mason learns the art of the “right to die”, as well as to be reborn anew. The Central element of the card is a coffin, in which lies the body of the Master Hiram, who was slain by three rebel Apprentices. At the bottom of the card, leaning against the foot of the coffin, we see the Masonic instruments of labor, which in this degree, have become the tools of murder.
The coffin was buried deep in the earth, and over at had grown a single sprig of Acacia, symbolizing eternal life and the inevitable return to a new life after death. On the coffin, in the Masonic Cipher, is written, “Hiram”, along with the approximate year of death – 1000 B.C., the approximate time of the construction of the First Temple. The table of the 3rd degree reminds us of the alchemical process of the Nigredo, and about the fact that a new life always occurs after the death of the old, and upon its ruins. It points out that, in order to obtain Eternal Life, one must first “die”. Egyptian Freemasonry, to this extent, remembers about Osiris, as the symbol of the eternal dying and forever awaking nature of Creation.

Value of the card – Symbolic death, the struggle with one’s fears, and the victory over them, the search for the Lost Word.

In the Minchiate Tarot, the card of the third degree corresponds to the Major Arcana of the Grand Duke, showing a young man in Royal apparel, sat upon the throne. In the right hand he holds a scepter, and in the left, an Orb. Ambitions, authority, androgyny.

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